استخدام "ملف:Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum.jpg" العام
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الاستخدام في en.wiki.x.io
- John Martin (painter)
- Pomponianus
- Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD
- The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum
- Herculanum (opera)
- User:Jane023/Paintings in the National Gallery
- User:Jane023/paintings in the Tate
- User:Dronebogus/Basement
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- 79ko Vesuvioren erupzioa
- Txantiloi:Sumendiko erupzio infotaula
- Txantiloi:Sumendiko erupzio infotaula/dok
- John Martin (margolaria)
الاستخدام في fr.wiki.x.io
- Le Dernier Jour de Pompéi (Brioullov)
- Chronologie de Game of Thrones
- Pomponianus (Ier siècle)
- Herculanum (opéra)
الاستخدام في fr.wikinews.org
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