قالب:Di-disputed fair use rationale
هذا الملف has a non-free use rationale that is disputed. ما لم يتم this concern is addressed by correcting any shortcomings in the non-free use rationale (templates such as قالب:تعليل استعمال غير حر can assist in this)، سوف يحذف or removed from some uses الملف seven days after this template was added. الرجاء إزالة هذا القالب إذا تم you have successfully addressed the concern. يُرجى الإنتباه إلى that if you disagree with the shortcomings of the non-free use rationale as described above, please discuss the matter on the talk page, but do not remove this notice from files you have uploaded.
استخدم: {{di-disputed fair use rationale|تاريخ=29 نوفمبر 2024|concern=concern}} قم بإخطار رافع الملف باستخدام: {{نسخ:di-disputed fair use rationale - إشعار|1=Di-disputed fair use rationale}} ~~~~ أضف ما يلي إلى وصف الصورة: {{ملف قابل للحذف - وصف||F7}} |
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