مستخدم:Chaos/حقول الرياضيات
أسس/مواضيع عامة
عدل- رياضيات ممتعة Recreational mathematics (MSC 00A08)
- من المكعب السحري إلى مجموعة ماندلبروت : جميع الأحاجي و الألعاب المرتبطة بالأرقام و التي تعتمد على التفكير و التسلية في وقت واحد.
- تاريخ و أعلام الرياضيات (MSC 01)
- The history of mathematics is inextricably interwined with the subject itself. This is perfectly natural: mathematics has an internal organic structure, deriving new theorems from those which have come before. As each new generation of mathematicians builds upon the achievements of our ancestors, the subject itself expands and grows new layers, like an onion.
- منطق رياضي and foundations, including set theory (MSC 03)
- Mathematicians have always worked with logic and symbols, but for centuries the underlying laws of logic were taken for granted, and never expressed symbolically. Mathematical logic, also known as symbolic logic, was developed when people finally realized that the tools of mathematics can be used to study the structure of logic itself. Areas of research in this field have expanded rapidly, and are usually subdivided into several distinct departments.
- نظرية النموذج Model theory (MSC 03C)
- Model theory studies mathematical structures in a general framework. Its main tool is first-order logic.
- 03D نظرية الحسوبية و نظرية العودية recursion theory
- نظرية المجموعات Set theory (MSC 03E)
- A set can be thought of as a collection of distinct things united by some common feature. Set theory is subdivided into three main areas. Naive set theory is the original set theory developed by mathematicians at the end of the 19th century. Axiomatic set theory is a rigorous axiomatic theory developed in response to the discovery of serious flaws (such as Russell's paradox) in naive set theory. It treats sets as "whatever satisfies the axioms", and the notion of collections of things serves only as motivation for the axioms. Internal set theory is an axiomatic extension of set theory that supports a logically consistent identification of illimited (enormously large) and infinitesimal (unimaginably small) elements within the real numbers. See also List of set theory topics.
- نظرية البرهان Proof theory و رياضيات إنشائية constructive mathematics (MSC 03F)
- Proof theory grew out of David Hilbert's ambitious program to formalize all the proofs in mathematics. The most famous result in the field is encapsulated in Gödel's incompleteness theorems. A closely related and now quite popular concept is the idea of Turing machines. Constructivism is the outgrowth of Brouwer's unorthodox view of the nature of logic itself; constructively speaking, mathematicians cannot assert "Either a circle is round, or it is not" until they have actually exhibited a circle and measured its roundness.
- 03G منطق جبريAlgebraic logic
- 97 تعليم الرياضيات Mathematics education
The study of structure starting with numbers, first the familiar natural numbers and integers and their arithmetical operations, which are recorded in elementary algebra. The deeper properties of whole numbers are studied in number theory. The investigation of methods to solve equations leads to the field of abstract algebra, which, among other things, studies rings and fields, structures that generalize the properties possessed by everyday numbers. Long standing questions about compass and straightedge construction were finally settled by Galois theory. The physically important concept of vectors, generalized to vector spaces, is studied in linear algebra.
- توافقيات Combinatorics (MSC 05)
- Studies finite collections of objects that satisfy specified criteria. In particular, it is concerned with "counting" the objects in those collections (enumerative combinatorics) and with deciding whether certain "optimal" objects exist (extremal combinatorics). It includes graph theory, used to describe inter-connected objects (a graph in this sense is a collection of connected points). See also the list of combinatorics topics, list of graph theory topics and glossary of graph theory. While these are the classical definitions, a combinatorial flavour is present in many parts of problem-solving.
- نظرية الترتيب Order theory (MSC 06)
- Any set of real numbers can be written out in ascending order. Order Theory extends this idea to sets in general. It includes notions like lattices and ordered algebraic structures. See also the order theory glossary and the list of order topics.
- الأنظمة الجبرية العامة (MSC 08)
- Given a set, different ways of combining or relating members of that set can be defined. If these obey certain rules, then a particular algebraic structure is formed. Universal algebra is the more formal study of these structures and systems.
- نظرية الأعداد Number theory (MSC 11)
- Number theory is traditionally concerned with the properties of integers. More recently, it has come to be concerned with wider classes of problems that have arisen naturally from the study of integers. It can be divided into elementary number theory (where the integers are studied without the aid of techniques from other mathematical fields); analytic number theory (where calculus and complex analysis are used as tools); algebraic number theory (which studies the algebraic numbers - the roots of polynomials with integer coefficients); geometric number theory; combinatorial number theory and computational number theory. See also the list of number theory topics.
- نظرية الحقل Field theory و متعددات الحدود (MSC 12)
- Field theory studies the properties of fields. A field is a mathematical entity for which addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are well-defined. A polynomial is an expression in which constants and variables are combined using only addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
- الحلقات التبديلية و الجبر التبديلي (MSC 13)
- In ring theory, a branch of abstract algebra, a commutative ring is a ring in which the multiplication operation obeys the commutative law. This means that if a and b are any elements of the ring, then a×b=b×a. Commutative algebra is the field of study of commutative rings and their ideals, modules and algebras. It is foundational both for algebraic geometry and for algebraic number theory. The most prominent examples of commutative rings are rings of polynomials.
- 15: جبر خطي و متعدد الخطية; نظرية المصفوفات matrix theory
- 16: الحلقات التجميعية و الجبر التجميعي
- 17: الحلقات غير التجميعية و جبر غير تجميعي
- 18: نظرية التصنيف; جبر تماثلي homological algebra
- 19: نظرية-ك K-theory
- 20: نظرية الزمر Group theory و تعميماتها
- 22: الزمر الطوبولوجية ، زمر لاي, و التحليل بناء عليهم
(أيضا زمرة تحويل transformation groups, تحليل توافقي مجرد abstract harmonic analysis)
عدلWithin the world of mathematics, analysis is the branch that focuses on change: rates of change, accumulated change, and multiple things changing relative to (or independently of) one another.
Modern analysis is a vast and rapidly expanding branch of mathematics that touches almost every other subdivision of the discipline, finding direct and indirect applications in topics as diverse as number theory, cryptography, and abstract algebra. It is also the language of science itself and is used across chemistry, biology, and physics, from astrophysics to X-ray crystallography.
- 26: الدوال الحقيقيةs, including derivatives and integrals
- 28: المقاييس و التكامل
- 30: الدوال المعقدةs, including نظرية التقريب approximation theory في نطاق الأعداد العقدية
- 31: نظرية الكمون Potential theory
- 32: متغيرات عقدية متعددة Several complex variables و فضاء تحليلي analytic space
- 33: دوال خاصة Special functions
- 34: معادلات تفاضلية نظامية Ordinary differential equations
- 35: معادلات تفاضلية جزئية Partial differential equations
- الأنظمة الحركية (MSC 27)
- The study of the solutions to the equations of motion of systems that are primarily mechanical in nature; although this ranges from planetary orbits through the behaviour of electronic circuits to the solutions of partial differential equations that arise in biology. Much of modern research is focused on the study of chaotic systems. See also the list of dynamical system topics
- 37: نظرية Ergodic theory
- 39: معادلات الفرق Difference equations and المعادلات الدالية functional equations
- 40: متتاليات Sequences, متسلسلات, قابلية الجمع summability
- 41: التقريبات و التمددات expansions
- 42: تحليل فورييه, يتضمن تحويلات فورييه, تقريب مثلثي, استيفاء مثلثي, و orthogonal function
- 43: تحليل توافقي harmonic analysis مجرد
- 44: تحويل تكاملي Integral transforms, حبان عملياتي operational calculus
- 45: معادلات تكاملية Integral equations
- 46: تحليل دالي Functional analysis ، يتضمن infinite-dimensional holomorphy, integral transforms in distribution spaces
- 47: نظرية المؤثر Operator theory
- 49: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (including geometric integration theory)
- 58: تحليل كلي Global analysis, التحليل على متعددات الشعب analysis on manifolds (يتضمن هولومورفية متعدد الأبعاد infinite-dimensional holomorphy)
(أيضا: نظرية الكمون الاحتمالية probabilistic potential theory ، تقريب عددي numerical approximation ، نظرية التمثيل representation theory ، التحليل على متعددات الشعب manifolds)
هندسة رياضية
عدلGeometry (MSC 51) deals with spatial relationships, using fundamental qualities or axioms. Such axioms can be used in conjunction with mathematical definitions for points, straight lines, curves, surfaces, and solids to draw logical conclusions. See also List of geometry topics
- Convex geometry and discrete geometry (MSC 52)
- Includes the study of objects such as polytopes and polyhedra. See also List of convexity topics
- Discrete or combinatorial geometry (MSC 52)
- The study of geometrical objects and properties that are discrete or combinatorial, either by their nature or by their representation. It includes the study of shapes such as the Platonic solids and the notion of tessellation.
- Differential geometry (MSC 53)
- The study of geometry using calculus, and is very closely related to differential topology. Covers such areas as Riemannian geometry, curvature and differential geometry of curves. See also the glossary of differential geometry and topology.
- Algebraic geometry (MSC 14)
- Given a polynomial of two real variables, then the points on a plane where that function is zero will form a curve. An algebraic curve extends this notion to polynomials over a field in a given number of variables. Algebraic geometry may be viewed as the study of these curves. See also the list of algebraic geometry topics and list of algebraic surfaces.
- Topology
- Deals with the properties of a figure that do not change when the figure is continuously deformed. The main areas are point set topology (or general topology), algebraic topology, and the topology of manifolds, defined below.
- General topology (MSC 54)
- Also called point set topology. Properties of topological spaces. Includes such notions as open and closed sets, compact spaces, continuous functions, convergence, separation axioms, metric spaces, dimension theory. See also the glossary of general topology and the list of general topology topics.
- Algebraic topology (MSC 55)
- Properties of algebraic objects associated with a topological space and how these algebraic objects capture properties of such spaces. Contains areas like homology theory, cohomology theory, homotopy theory, and homological algebra, some of them examples of functors. Homotopy deals with homotopy groups (including the fundamental group) as well as simplicial complexes and CW complexes (also called cell complexes). See also the list of algebraic topology topics.
- Manifolds (MSC 57)
- A manifold can be thought of as an n-dimensional generalization of a surface in the usual 3-dimensional Euclidean space. The study of manifolds includes differential topology, which looks at the properties of differentiable functions defined over a manifold. See also complex manifolds.
احتمالات و إحصاء
عدلSee also glossary of probability and statistics
- Probability theory (MSC 60)
- The study of how likely a given event is to occur. See also Category:probability theory, and the list of probability topics.
- Stochastic processes (MSC 60G/H)
- Considers with aggregate effect of a random function, either over time (a time series) or physical space (a random field). See also List of stochastic processes topics, and Category:Stochastic processes.
- Statistics (MSC 62)
- Analysis of data, and how representative it is. See also the list of statistical topics.
علوم حاسوبية
عدل- Numerical analysis, (MSC 65)
- Many problems in mathematics cannot in general be solved exactly. Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms to provide an approximate solution to problems to a given degree of accuracy. Includes numerical differentiation, numerical integration and numerical methods. See also List of numerical analysis topics
- 68: Computer science
علوم فيزيائية
عدل- Mechanics
- Addresses what happens when a real physical object is subjected to forces. This divides naturally into the study of rigid solids, deformable solids, and fluids, detailed below.
- Particle mechanics (MSC 70)
- In mathematics, a particle is a point-like, perfectly rigid, solid object. Particle mechanics deals with the results of subjecting particles to forces. It includes celestial mechanics — the study of the motion of celestial objects.
- Mechanics of deformable solids (MSC 74)
- Most real-world objects are not point-like nor perfectly rigid. More importantly, objects change shape when subjected to forces. This subject has a very strong overlap with continuum mechanics, which is concerned with continuous matter. It deals with such notions as stress, strain and elasticity. See also continuum mechanics.
- Fluid mechanics (MSC 76)
- Fluids in this sense includes not just liquids, but flowing gases, and even solids under certain situations. (For example, dry sand can behave like a fluid). It includes such notions as viscosity, turbulent flow and laminar flow (its opposite). See also fluid dynamics.
- 78: Optics, electromagnetic theory
- 80: Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer
- 81: Quantum theory, including quantum optics
- 82: Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
- 83: Relativity and gravitational theory, including relativistic mechanics
- 85: Astronomy and astrophysics
- 86: Geophysics
علوم غير فيزيائية
عدل- 90: Operations research, mathematical programming
- 91: Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
- 92: علم الأحياء (see also mathematical biology) and other natural sciences
- 93: Systems theory; control, including optimal control
- 94: معلومة and communication, circuits
- 97: Mathematics education
{{بوابة رياضيات}} [[:تصنيف:رياضيات|*]] [[bn:গণিতের ক্ষেত্রসমূহ]] [[en:Areas of mathematics]] [[ta:கணிதப் பிரிவுகளின் உறவுகள்]] [[th:สาขาของคณิตศาสตร์]]