This is a close up of the grids in a 12SA7GT Pentagrid converter tube, as might be found in an All American 5 Tube radio. You can see that the grids are different from each other
إِذا لم يكن النِّطاق العام مُمكِناً مِن النَّاحية القانونيَّة:
يَمنح المُؤَلِّف Cmacd123 أَيَّ شخصٍ الحقَّ في استخدام هذا العمل لأَي سببٍ كان'، دون أَي شروطٍ من قبله، ويسري هذا ما لم يكن هُناك أَحكامٌ إِضافيَّة ينصُّ عليها القانون.
(This is a close up of the grids in a 12SA7GT Pentagrid converter tube, as might be found in an All American 5 Tube radio. You can see that the grids are different from each other)
page history
edit summary
05:15, 18 August 2007
10:19, 13 August 2007
02:15, 19 February 2007
(This is a close up of the grids in a 12SA7GT Pentagrid converter tube, as might be found in an All American 5 Tube radio. You can see that the grids are different from each other)
This image was copied from wikipedia:en. The original description was: == Summary == This is a close up of the grids in a 12SA7GT Pentagrid converter tube, as might be found in an All American 5 Tube radio. You can see that the grids are different from