ملف:Islam, a challenge to faith; studies on the Mohammedan religion and the needs and opportunities of the Mohammedan world from the standpoint of Christian missions (1907) (14775958774).jpg

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Identifier: islamchallengeto00zwem (find matches)
Title: Islam, a challenge to faith; studies on the Mohammedan religion and the needs and opportunities of the Mohammedan world from the standpoint of Christian missions
Year: 1907 (1900s)
Authors: Zwemer, Samuel Marinus, 1867-1952
Subjects: Islam Islam -- Muslims Islam Zending Missie Christendom
Publisher: New York, Student volunteer movement for foreign missions
Contributing Library: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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anize Christian churches likebreakwaters, able to resist the flood and outweather it,or whether everything will be carried away headlong.^(See the map opposite page 156.) The Soudan UnitedMission calls the attention of Christendom to the presentcrisis in Hausa-land. All the heathen populations of theCentral Soudan will go over to Islam unless the Churchawakes to its opportunity. It is now or never; it isIslam or Christ!^ And there are other lands where thecrisis is equally acute, though not extended over as largean area as in Africa. In regard to the district of Khelat,in Baluchistan, the Rev. A. D. Dixey testifies that theinhabitants are still only nominal Mohammedans and notbigoted. They will listen now, but in a few years theywill have become fanatical. In Borneo there is a special call for workers amongthe Dayaks, who are not yet Mohammedan, but are in ^The Mohammedan World of To-day, 47. Die Mohammedansche Gefahr in West Afrika, 24, 25. (Basel, 1904.) »H. Karl Kutnm, The Soudan.
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X; THE PROBLEM AND THE PERIL 235 danger of speedily becoming such through the influenceof Mohammedan Malays, by whom they are surrounded.^In India there are to-day a multitude of low-caste people,especially in Bengal, who will shortly become Moslemsor Christians. Ten millions in Bengal have become Mos-lems.- On the other hand, Islam itself is alarmed, and in manyparts of the world there is a feeling that something mustbe done to save the faith of the Prophet. In India theyare forming Societies for the Defence of Islam; they areestablishing presses for the production of literature topropagate their faith; they are copying missionary meth-ods and engaging Aloslem preachers to counteract thework of Christian missions. They use the substance ofinfidel literature from Europe and America and articleson the higher criticism to prove that Christianity is nottrue and that its leaders are not agreed on the funda-mentals of its teaching.^ What will be the issue if theMohammedan propagandists in

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  • bookid:islamchallengeto00zwem
  • bookyear:1907
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Zwemer__Samuel_Marinus__1867_1952
  • booksubject:Islam
  • booksubject:Islam____Muslims
  • booksubject:Zending
  • booksubject:Missie
  • booksubject:Christendom
  • bookpublisher:New_York__Student_volunteer_movement_for_foreign_missions
  • bookcontributor:Princeton_Theological_Seminary_Library
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:320
  • bookcollection:Princeton
  • bookcollection:americana
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