نقاش:بورات ساجدييف

النشيد الوطني لكازسكستان؟


ذُكِرَ بالمقال أن بورات قام بغناء النشيد الكازاكستاني على لحن النشيد الأمريكي.. أشُك في ذلك، لكن على أيه حال سوف أعرض لكم ما قام بورات بغنائه بالفيلم وسوف أترك لكم التعديل:

Kazakhstan greatest country in the world all other countries are run by little girls Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium other countries have inferior potassium

Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool it's length thirty meter and with six meter filteration system a marvel to behold it remove 80 percent of human solid waste

Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place from plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan they very nosey people with bone in their brain

Kazakhstan industry best in the world we incented toffee and trouse belt Kazakhstan's prostitutes cleanest in the region except of course Turkmenistan's

Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place from plains of Tarashek to norther fence of Jewtown come grasp the might phenis of our leader from junction with the testes to tip of its face!

ّّMatthew XVI 19:14، 26 ديسمبر 2007 (UTC)

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