صُنفت هذه الوحدة على أنها في مرحلة ألفا. تكون الوحدة في هذه المرحلة جاهزة نوعا ما لأن تستخدم من طرف ثالث، أي بمعنى أخر على النطاقات في صفحات التجارب. لكن يجب أن تستخدم في صفحات محددة للغاية وأن لا يوسع إستخدامها ابدا، حتى تنتقل للمرحلة التي بعدها. يجب أن يضاف لهذه الوحدة صفحة توثيق تشرح مدخلاتها وطريقة استخدامها. يجب أن تراقب هذه الوحدة جيدا وملاحظة أي أخطاء قد تحدث والعمل على عزلها وإصلاحها. |
This module is meant for replacing {{رمز لغة}}
and all lang-x templates.
عدلIn templates
عدل} }
Medieval Greek: εἴμαι
(printed lang tag different to code value)
- Medieval Greek: εἴμαι
In other modules
عدلlocal languageText = require("Module:Language/text")
languageText._plain{code="fr", text="''pain''"}
languageText._named{code="fr", text="''pain''"}
طالع أيضاً
-- This module is a replacement for {{lang}} and all lang-x templates.
-- It wraps text in an HTML tag containing a lang attribute with a specific
-- language code. This often makes no visible changes to the text, but can help
-- web browsers choose the right font, screen readers use the right
-- pronunciation and more. The plain function wraps the text in the HTML tag,
-- but does not otherwise change the output. The named function adds the name of
-- the language before the text.
-- Load required modules.
local mLanguageName = require("Module:Language/name")
local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local data = mw.loadData("Module:Language/data/wp languages")
-- Lazily initialise [[Module:Arguments]], as we will only need it sometimes.
-- Not loading it when we don't have to will keep its transclusion count down,
-- which helps to reduce load on the job queue.
local mArguments
-- The p table contains functions that will be available from #invoke and that
-- will be available to other Lua modules (including for use in the test cases).
-- The f table contains functions linking #invoke functions to Lua functions.
local p, f = {}, {}
function f.plain(code, text, options)
checkType("plain", 1, code, "string")
checkType("plain", 2, text, "string")
checkType("plain", 3, options, "table", true)
options = options or {}
local name = p._fetchLanguageName(code)
if not name then
return nil
return p._createElement(code, text, name, options)
function f.named(code, text, options)
checkType("named", 1, code, "string")
checkType("named", 2, text, "string")
checkType("named", 3, options, "table", true)
options = options or {}
local name = p._fetchLanguageName(code)
if not name then
return nil
return string.format(
"[[%s language|%s]]: %s",
p._createElement(code, text, name, options)
function p._fetchLanguageName(code)
-- Fetches a language name, given a language code. If no name can be
-- found, returns nil.
if not code then
return nil
local name = mLanguageName.fuzzy{code = code}
if name and name ~= "" then
return name
return nil
function p._createElement(code, text, name, options)
-- Creates the HTML element.
-- Check whether a preferred code is specified in the Wikipedia language
-- data for the input code we are given.
code = data[code] and data[code][2] or code
local tag = options.tagName or "span"
local root = mw.html.create(tag)
:attr("lang", code)
:wikitext(text .. p._categorise(code, name, options))
return tostring(root)
function p._categorise(code, name, options)
-- Generates the tracking category.
local function makeCategory(cat)
-- Makes a category wikilink.
return string.format("[[%s:%s]]", mw.site.namespaces[14].name, cat)
local function makeTitle(...)
-- Get a title object, using pcall to call mw.title.new to
-- avoid producing script errors. mw.title.new will result
-- in a script error if we are over the expensive function count
-- limit, among other fun and exciting scenarios.
local success, title = pcall(mw.title.new, ...)
if success then
return title
return nil
-- Don't categorise if nocat is set.
if yesno(options.nocat, true) then
return ""
-- Don't categorise if we are not on a content page.
-- Allow specification of options.page so that this function can be
-- tested as if it were being run on different pages. This option
-- isn't provided for Lua functions as it would probably not be used
-- and would decrease performance slightly.
local titleObj = options.page
and makeTitle(options.page)
or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
if not titleObj or not titleObj.isContentPage then
return ""
-- Assemble the category.
if code == "en" or code == "eng" then
return makeCategory(
"Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text"
local categoryName = "Articles containing "
.. name
.. "-language text"
local categoryTitle = makeTitle(categoryName, 14)
if categoryTitle and categoryTitle.exists then
return makeCategory(categoryName)
return makeCategory(
"Articles containing non-English-language text"
-- Make the #invoke functions. The function names are taken from the f table.
-- The #invoke function is named p.funcName, and the function it calls is named
-- f.funcName. If the result of f.funcName(args) is nil, then p.funcName
-- returns the blank string. This allows for use of both Lua-like and
-- wikitext-like idioms should any of the validation checks fail. We use
-- [[Module:Arguments]] to get the arguments from the frame object. We also
-- make the f.funcName functions available to other Lua modules under the name
-- p._funcName.
for funcName, func in pairs(f) do
p[funcName] = function (frame)
mArguments = require("Module:Arguments")
local args = mArguments.getArgs(frame)
-- Get the code and text variables.
local code = args.code
local text = args.text
if not code or not text then
-- Give up gracefully if we don't have the required input.
return text or ""
-- Pass values through to the options table.
local options = {}
options.tagName = args.type
options.nocat = args.nocat
return f[funcName](code, text, options) or ""
-- Create the function to access from other Lua modules.
p["_" .. funcName] = func
return p